January 03, 2012

Hair Diary No. 2 - CASTOR OIL WEEK 2

In my desperate attempt to quickly grow back my hair, I've looked all over youtube, MUA, and the internet for how to grow hair faster.

Then I found out about Castor Oil.  A lot of girls on youtube posted videos of their thoughts on it and how it helped their hair grow.  Most of the reviews were done by Black women, and there were hardly any done by straight-haired or asian people with asian type hair.  It didn't really matter because I was SOLD already!

Castor Oil claims to grow back eyebrows, lashes, and hair, and if you already have thick hair it will make it strong and healthy.

So I went out to my local Organic health food store and bought a bottle, 200ml for around $5.

My routine for the past two weeks was putting it on my eyebrows and lashes every night, and in my scalp every 3 or 4 days or so.

Brow + Lash Routine:

I first pour a little oil into a small dish, like a soy sauce dish, then use a Q-tip to apply it on.  For my lashes I put it on my lashline like I would with eyeliner, and then again under my lashes, sort of in the tightline area :P (Does that make sense?)
And I also put it on my lashes directly sort of like how I put on mascara.
I leave on the oil and sleep for the night, then in the morning I wash my face as normal and whatever residue that wasn't absorbed will come off. :)

Results so far:
I can see baby lash/brow hairs growing! It's crazy! If I look at my face normally it isn't a dramatic change yet but I can see some growth.  My bottom lash line definitely got longer and my top lashes seem more filled in and thicker, but not longer.

There are cons about this, and it's that it could give you some pimples.  And it did around my brow.  But the little pimples are worth it for thicker brows and lashes!

Now for Hair on my scalp:

This one doesn't require much technique or rules, all you need to do is get the oil in your scalp and massage with love.  I personally start on the side of my head, then the other side, then the top, then the back, but it honestly doesn't matter.

The massaging is really good because it helps with blood circulation = more growth!  The oil will also work to keep a good bacterial environment on the scalp so hair can grow.

I either do this in the early evening, then wash my hair 3-4 hours later, or if I'm at home that day, I will put it on and leave it until the evening to wash off.  I personally don't like leaving it on over night because it's troublesome and I'd have to wrap my hair in a towel and the trapped moisture isn't good for the scalp.

Haven't seen any yet! I see some baby hairs growing, but then again I'm pretty sure they grow no matter what? So I'm not sure, but I will keep trying the castor oil for several months to see.

Overall I DEFINITELY recommend Castor oil, it is a lot of extra work, but hey, beauty comes with a price! :)
Love, Marianne